Saturday, December 3

This world is full of talented people.. Everywhere.


I just found out some talented people. What should I call them? Video maker? Or......Youtube users?
Anyway, just use 'they' is easier. ok. Emmm, this year, i mean...2011, is about to end, and in this year i discovered so many things, started to know how to live. ok, ran out of topic again, sorray, the first video I discovered is from Asha, a half British, half Filippines girl, and her videos is all about her special life, just because she is a hybrid. And from her, I found out some more interesting person who make interesting video, I never had imagined that a video can be edited until that funny, interesting, and ... Just love their works, they became their own director and they became their own actor too. So creative, captivating and I really enjoy their videos. The one I love the most most most is Nigahiga, I don't know why but just love his video, OMG, he get the no.2 most subscribed on youtube, he has about 4,000,000++ subscribers. WOW! And he is kinda hot also. hehe^^
I'm just really admire their ability to make all those videos, not everyone can do that, just enjoy their works...

And THIS, is the video i love the most:

ps: I found that my post font is not that suitable for me. Too elegant, not suited me well, I'm not an elegant girl, maybe I'll change it.

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